made by cherrifirelive

Myst !!
mexican 17 β˜†
bi + aroace 🌸

made by CherriFireLive

more about me !

twts! 🌸
I talk about the things that I enjoy! :]

made by CherriFireLive

β†’ DO NOT repost my art!!
β†’ if used in layouts just credit me!

made by CherriFireLive

made by CherriFireLive

β†’ I tweet a lot about hermitcraft, life series, divorceduo, desertduo, QSMP, amigops and otv & friends
β†’ I rt a lot of art and I talk about anything that’s on my mind
β†’ twts: hermitcraft, traffictwt, QSMP, amigops and otv & friends

β†’ basic dni
β†’ break boundaries, rude, racist, ableist, homophobic ect
β†’ in nsfw, ed, or sh twt, post gore, don’t hold ccs accountable
β†’ make sexual/weird comments

made by CherriFireLive

made by CherriFireLive

🌧 dislikes !! πŸŒ™
gore, loud noises, arguments, rude people, animal abuse/hurt, weird and sexual comments

🌱 likes !! β˜€οΈ
desertduo β€’ hermitcraft, life series β€’ etho and bdubs! β€’lily pichu β€’ amigops, otv & friends β€’ toh, stranger things, art and plushies 🐻

made by CherriFireLive